Paddling in Dresden Pieschen

In our section is everything about canoeing and we offer a home for anybody who's got fun and joy for paddling.
We meet in our boathouse on the river Elbe on kilometer 58.5 every Monday for a joint paddling turn. Either we are paddling upstream to the bridge Albertbrücke or downstream behind the bridge Fluegelwegbruecke. Afterwards we are mostly sitting together for a beer. In winter season we use our small gym for weight training or gym.
However it is possible for paddling or training on any other day of the week.
We are having joint paddling trips on the weekends for instance to the Spreewald or to the Leipziger Seenplatte.
We have several by our club owned kajaks or kanus which can be used by our club members. A few club member are having an own boat and a site for storage in the boathouse. Unfortunately we are currently limited of space in the boathouse so that we ain't able to other this oppurtunity for new members.
The club TSV Rotation Dresden 1990 e.V. is home of several section for sports. You will find more information about our club under
There are two sections for canoeing in the club. Our section 'Kanu' shares the boathouse and the belonging area with the section 'Kanurennsport'. 'Kanurennsport' is offering competitive sports. More information under the link
Please just drop in or write us an email if we have inspired you. You might taste if you like to be with us.
We offer several activities in the area of tourism. Below a selection what is happening on, beneath or far from water.
- Trips to the Spreewald over the weekend in spring and autumn
- touristic trips on the river Elbe
- hiking weekend in the Saxony Switzerland
- participation with CX on the Marathon de L'Ardeche
- participation on several marathons on the Elbe or in Brandenburg